Buy and Hold
Simply buying and holding each selected asset with an equal weighting that is inputted into the strategy. This is achieved by first defining a pandas dataframe full of ones and then dividing through by the number of tickers (or codes). Although this isn't much of an algorithm, it is useful for seeing how the skeleton code (Strategies class) works. Look at other algorithms for the application of this class to more complex strategies.
Install yfinance if not installed to run
#pip install yfinance
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pandas_datareader as pdr
import yfinance as yf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime
Setting up class
class Strategies():
#A class that contains code that strategies later on will inherit from params:
#codes = list of stock short codes
#Every class has to have an init method and they define the class specific features.
#In this case ticker list and two empty dataframes
def __init__(self,codes):
#this defines class spacific values
#so ticker/code list = codes
#creates 2 empty dataframes
self.strat = pd.DataFrame() = pd.DataFrame()
def import_data(self, start_date, end_date):
#this method downloads all data for each backtest from yahoo Finance.
#and removes any nan values
#start_date, end_date = string of dates for backtesting with format y-m-d
#code is another name for ticker
data =, start_date, end_date)
#if only one stock code is entered, data is reformatted so that is it the same format as if multiple stock were entered
if len( == 1:
data.columns = [data.columns,*len(data.columns)]
#returns data, and NAN values are removed
return data.dropna()
def backtest(self, start_date, end_date):
#returns a list with elements of a time series from yfinance as well as an array of values between -1 and 1 that represent the strategy over the given period
#1 represents a long position in one stock, 0 representing a neutral postiion and -1 representing a short position
#sets up dataframes (defined in the init) to contain data in 1, and then all value weights from the strategy for each stock in the other dataframe = self.import_data(start_date, end_date)
#fills the dataframe with zeros
self.strat = pd.DataFrame(data = np.zeros([len(, len(]), columns =, index =
#evaluate method takes a backtest, and evaluates it so calcualte cumulative returns, sharpe and sortino ratios
def evaluate(self, start_date, end_date, fig_strat=True, fig_other=False, percentage_risk_free_rate = 0.1, **kwargs):
#returns a dataframe with columns including the daily returns of the portfolio, the cumulative returns, the sharpe ratio and all relevent plot of both the stock price of each stock
#fig = boolean variable that can be used to produce figures
#ris_free_rate = average rate of return from a save government issued bond used to calcualte sharpe ratio with
#**kwargs = any specific keyword arguments that can be passed to the backtesting function to allow for comparison of the backtest for different possible parameters defined in the subclass
#run the backtest function and define the stock price data to be once again and signals self.strat
self.strat = self.backtest(start_date, end_date, **kwargs)
#convert the monthly risk free rate to the daily risk free rate for use when calculating sharpe and sortino ratios
#e.g. (1+1/100)**(1/21)-1 = (1.01**(0.05)) - 1 = 0.00047 (look up EAR formula)
#the value of 21 is due to there being 20 trading days in a month
daily_rate = (1 + percentage_risk_free_rate/100)**(1/21) - 1
#sets up new DataFrame which will give the returns of the portfolio
return_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["daily returns", "cumulative returns"], index =
#set return on day 0 to 0
return_df["daily returns"][0] = 0
#loops through remaining dates and calculates returns across the portfolio
for i in range(1, len(
#for each stock, this is 100*value weighting from strategy the previous day*(closing price on current day X - closing price on day X-1)/(closing price on day X-1)
#hence why if your value weighting is 1 (long position), and the stock goes up, your daily return is posiitve
#if your weighting is -1 (short position), and the stock goes down, then your daily return is positive
#this is then summed for the multiple stocks in the portfolio and the portfolio daily returns are given
return_df["daily returns"][i] = sum(100*self.strat[c][i-1]*(["Adj Close"][c][i]["Adj Close"][c][i-1])/["Adj Close"][c][i-1] for c in
#calculates the cumulative return for each date
#it does this by taking the daily return percentage, dividing my 100 and adding 1 to get it into a increase/decrease
#e.g. daily return of 7% goes >> (7/100)+1 = 1.07 This happens for all the values in the dataframe
#then the cumprod returns the cumulative product of a dataframe (NOT SUM) e.g. 1.07*0.96*1.02 not 1.07+0.96+1.02
#this results is then -1 and multiplied by 100... e.g. (1.12-1)*100 = 12%
return_df["cumulative returns"] = (((return_df["daily returns"]/100)+1).cumprod()-1)*100
#For each of the strategies we went through in the notebook they all require a calculations involving a certain
#number of historic values. e.g previous percentage returns. As a result our strategies can't start straight away
#as we need to wait until we have enough previous pieces of data for the code to work and produce signals.
#calculates the length of time for which the strategy is inactive to begin with
zero_count = 0
#While True will run forever until a break command is run.
while True:
if sum(abs(self.strat[c].iloc[zero_count]) for c in
#by using iloc[zero_count] when zero_count is 0 it looks at first row, in this is zero then zero_count = 1
#and then it becomes iloc[1] which searches the second row in the strat dataframe
#and so on....
zero_count += 1
#python syntax allows for the simplification of
#if not sum(abs(self.strat[c].iloc[zero_count]) for c in == 0:
#if sum(abs(self.strat[c].iloc[zero_count]) for c in
#^^^^ this basically says that if the rows equals zero, then carry on but if it doesnt equal zero then break
#so if it is zero 5 times, it bypasses the break and adds to the zero_count, but then the first nonzero value
#breaks the loop and the while becomes false, and the 5 is stored in zero_count
#calculates the sharpe ratio, not including the first period of inactivity
#Sharpe ratio is the sum of the differences in daily returns of the strategy and the risk-free rate
#over a given period is divivded by the standard devisation of all daily returns.
#( all return percentages summed/100 - (risk free rate * number of days) ) / standard devisation of all daily returns
#e.g. ((1.02+0.95+1.06+1.03)/100 - 4*0.0005) / 0.03 = 1.29
sharpe = ((return_df["daily returns"][zero_count:].sum()/100 - len(return_df[zero_count:]) * daily_rate) / return_df["daily returns"][zero_count:].std())
print('Sharpe: ', sharpe)
#Sortino ratio is similar, however we divide by the standard deviation of only the negative or downwards
#returns (inferring that we only care about negative volatility)
#This doesnt include the zero_count index in denominator, as there are no negative downturns anyway when there are 0 values, so these are filtered out
sortino = ((return_df["daily returns"][zero_count:].sum()/100 - len(return_df[zero_count:]) * daily_rate) / return_df["daily returns"][(return_df["daily returns"] < 0)].std())
print('Sortino: ', sortino)
#plots figures if fig_strat = TRUE
if fig_strat:
#plot of strategy returns
plt.title("Strategy Backtest from" + start_date + " to " + end_date)
plt.plot(return_df["cumulative returns"])
#plots figure if fig_other = TRUE
if fig_other:
#plot of all inidividual stocks
for c in
plt.title("Buy and Hold from" + start_date + " to " + end_date + " for " + str(c))
plt.plot(((["Adj Close"][c].pct_change()+1).cumprod()-1)*100)
print('Returns: ', return_df)
return [return_df, sharpe, sortino]
Class specifically for Buy and Hold Strat
#this inherits all of the methods from the Strategies class
#this strategy as the name suggest buys and holds an equal amount of each security
class StrategyBuyAndHold(Strategies):
def backtest(self, start_date, end_date):
Strategies.backtest(self, start_date, end_date)
#creates a normalised set of weightings representing a buy and hold strat with each column summing to one
#this fills the dataframe with data = ones, but divides by number of stocks to ensure equal distribution
##e.g. if you have gc=f,aapl,ride (3stocks), then the dataframe is filled with 1/3
#then the columns are the ticker codes
return pd.DataFrame(data = (np.ones([len(, len(])/len(, columns =
Example of a backtest for this Strategy
testbh = StrategyBuyAndHold((["^FTSE","^GSPC","AAPL","GC=F","ZC=F"]))
#the code(ticker) is GC=F, AAPL, RIDE then the start_date and end_date are below, and the fig_other is set to TRUE
testbh.evaluate("2020-07-24","2022-07-24", fig_other = True)
#this basically creates an instance os the StrategyBuyAndHold and inputs the 3 stocks into it.
#it also automatically runs the __init__ so creates the empty dataframes
#then, on the second line the dates are inputted into the evaluate method of the instance.
#this means that when the evaluate method runs, this runs the backtest method which in turn runs the import_data method
Time Series Momentum
This again uses the Strategies class as the basis for this strategy as seen in my Buy and Hold algorithm. In this strategy, a Time Series Momentum Strategy is Created. This takes a positions of every asset in the given basket. If an asset have a negative historic return, then a short position is taken and if it has a positive historic return, then a long position is taken. The lookback period for which returns are calculated is the previous t days. We also only adjust the portfolio weights every q days. Note the first date we can calculate weights will be on date t so we aim to adjust the portfolio weights every q days after this. Then aim to normalise weights by ensuring sum of the absolute values of all weights on any given date is 1.
Install yfinance if not installed to run
#pip install yfinance
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pandas_datareader as pdr
import yfinance as yf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime
Setting up class
class Strategies():
#A class that contains code that strategies later on will inherit from params:
#codes = list of stock short codes
#Every class has to have an init method and they define the class specific features.
#In this case ticker list and two empty dataframes
def __init__(self,codes):
#this defines class spacific values
#so ticker/code list = codes
#creates 2 empty dataframes
self.strat = pd.DataFrame() = pd.DataFrame()
def import_data(self, start_date, end_date):
#this method downloads all data for each backtest from yahoo Finance.
#and removes any nan values
#start_date, end_date = string of dates for backtesting with format y-m-d
#code is another name for ticker
data =, start_date, end_date)
#if only one stock code is entered, data is reformatted so that is it the same format as if multiple stock were entered
if len( == 1:
data.columns = [data.columns,*len(data.columns)]
#returns data, and NAN values are removed
return data.dropna()
def backtest(self, start_date, end_date):
#returns a list with elements of a time series from yfinance as well as an array of values between -1 and 1 that represent the strategy over the given period
#1 represents a long position in one stock, 0 representing a neutral postiion and -1 representing a short position
#sets up dataframes (defined in the init) to contain data in 1, and then all value weights from the strategy for each stock in the other dataframe = self.import_data(start_date, end_date)
#fills the dataframe with zeros
self.strat = pd.DataFrame(data = np.zeros([len(, len(]), columns =, index =
#evaluate method takes a backtest, and evaluates it so calcualte cumulative returns, sharpe and sortino ratios
def evaluate(self, start_date, end_date, fig_strat=True, fig_other=False, percentage_risk_free_rate = 0.1, **kwargs):
#returns a dataframe with columns including the daily returns of the portfolio, the cumulative returns, the sharpe ratio and all relevent plot of both the stock price of each stock
#fig = boolean variable that can be used to produce figures
#ris_free_rate = average rate of return from a save government issued bond used to calcualte sharpe ratio with
#**kwargs = any specific keyword arguments that can be passed to the backtesting function to allow for comparison of the backtest for different possible parameters defined in the subclass
#run the backtest function and define the stock price data to be once again and signals self.strat
self.strat = self.backtest(start_date, end_date, **kwargs)
#convert the monthly risk free rate to the daily risk free rate for use when calculating sharpe and sortino ratios
#e.g. (1+1/100)**(1/21)-1 = (1.01**(0.05)) - 1 = 0.00047 (look up EAR formula)
#the value of 21 is due to there being 20 trading days in a month
daily_rate = (1 + percentage_risk_free_rate/100)**(1/21) - 1
#sets up new DataFrame which will give the returns of the portfolio
return_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["daily returns", "cumulative returns"], index =
#set return on day 0 to 0
return_df["daily returns"][0] = 0
#loops through remaining dates and calculates returns across the portfolio
for i in range(1, len(
#for each stock, this is 100*value weighting from strategy the previous day*(closing price on current day X - closing price on day X-1)/(closing price on day X-1)
#hence why if your value weighting is 1 (long position), and the stock goes up, your daily return is posiitve
#if your weighting is -1 (short position), and the stock goes down, then your daily return is positive
#this is then summed for the multiple stocks in the portfolio and the portfolio daily returns are given
return_df["daily returns"][i] = sum(100*self.strat[c][i-1]*(["Adj Close"][c][i]["Adj Close"][c][i-1])/["Adj Close"][c][i-1] for c in
#calculates the cumulative return for each date
#it does this by taking the daily return percentage, dividing my 100 and adding 1 to get it into a increase/decrease
#e.g. daily return of 7% goes >> (7/100)+1 = 1.07 This happens for all the values in the dataframe
#then the cumprod returns the cumulative product of a dataframe (NOT SUM) e.g. 1.07*0.96*1.02 not 1.07+0.96+1.02
#this results is then -1 and multiplied by 100... e.g. (1.12-1)*100 = 12%
return_df["cumulative returns"] = (((return_df["daily returns"]/100)+1).cumprod()-1)*100
#For each of the strategies we went through in the notebook they all require a calculations involving a certain
#number of historic values. e.g previous percentage returns. As a result our strategies can't start straight away
#as we need to wait until we have enough previous pieces of data for the code to work and produce signals.
#calculates the length of time for which the strategy is inactive to begin with
zero_count = 0
#While True will run forever until a break command is run.
while True:
if sum(abs(self.strat[c].iloc[zero_count]) for c in
#by using iloc[zero_count] when zero_count is 0 it looks at first row, in this is zero then zero_count = 1
#and then it becomes iloc[1] which searches the second row in the strat dataframe
#and so on....
zero_count += 1
#python syntax allows for the simplification of
#if not sum(abs(self.strat[c].iloc[zero_count]) for c in == 0:
#if sum(abs(self.strat[c].iloc[zero_count]) for c in
#^^^^ this basically says that if the rows equals zero, then carry on but if it doesnt equal zero then break
#so if it is zero 5 times, it bypasses the break and adds to the zero_count, but then the first nonzero value
#breaks the loop and the while becomes false, and the 5 is stored in zero_count
#calculates the sharpe ratio, not including the first period of inactivity
#Sharpe ratio is the sum of the differences in daily returns of the strategy and the risk-free rate
#over a given period is divivded by the standard devisation of all daily returns.
#( all return percentages summed/100 - (risk free rate * number of days) ) / standard devisation of all daily returns
#e.g. ((1.02+0.95+1.06+1.03)/100 - 4*0.0005) / 0.03 = 1.29
sharpe = ((return_df["daily returns"][zero_count:].sum()/100 - len(return_df[zero_count:]) * daily_rate) / return_df["daily returns"][zero_count:].std())
print('Sharpe: ', sharpe)
#Sortino ratio is similar, however we divide by the standard deviation of only the negative or downwards
#returns (inferring that we only care about negative volatility)
#This doesnt include the zero_count index in denominator, as there are no negative downturns anyway when there are 0 values, so these are filtered out
sortino = ((return_df["daily returns"][zero_count:].sum()/100 - len(return_df[zero_count:]) * daily_rate) / return_df["daily returns"][(return_df["daily returns"] < 0)].std())
print('Sortino: ', sortino)
#plots figures if fig_strat = TRUE
if fig_strat:
#plot of strategy returns
plt.title("Strategy Backtest from" + start_date + " to " + end_date)
plt.plot(return_df["cumulative returns"])
#plots figure if fig_other = TRUE
if fig_other:
#plot of all inidividual stocks
for c in
plt.title("Buy and Hold from" + start_date + " to " + end_date + " for " + str(c))
plt.plot(((["Adj Close"][c].pct_change()+1).cumprod()-1)*100)
print('Returns: ', return_df)
return [return_df, sharpe, sortino]
Class specifically for Time Series Momentum Strat
class StrategyTimeSeriesMomentum(Strategies):
#parameters include start_Date and end_date
#t = lookback period
#q = time length between portfolio adjustments
def backtest(self, start_date, end_date, q=14, t=50):
#imports all code from the parent class so we dont have to rewrite them
Strategies.backtest(self, start_date, end_date)
#then loop through each time step to calculate the signals
#start at time t and loop through all remaining time vals (you need the time period t to start the momentum strategy)
for i in range(t, len(
#every q days, we adjust our portfolio
#when using the modulo (%) operator, the 'if' statement is TRUE if there is a remainder
#so say q=5, t=10 and we are on day 30, then i-t = 20 and this is divisable by 5 to give 0 remainder, so continue
#If it doesnt given an integer, then go to the else statement as we arent adjusting the portfolio on this day
if not (i-t) % q:
#a Series is another pandas object which is one column of data along with an index
#In this case the index is the codes/tickers
#The data is the returns over the last t days
#this goes through each code/ticker, and does 100*(the close price of the previous day - close price of the day t days ago) / close price of the day t days ago
signals = pd.Series(data = (100*(["Adj Close"][c][i-1]["Adj Close"][c][i-t])/["Adj Close"][c][i-t] for c in,index =
#this Series inludes the percentrage returns, not the actual returns in pounds!
#np.sign literally calculates the sign, and if its positive then it put +1, and if negative puts -1
self.strat.iloc[i] = np.sign(signals)
#the iloc located the ith row, and makes it equal to the sign of signals
#the row sum is the sum of the row so if there are 6 stocks, then row_sum is 6 regardless of sign because of abs()
row_sum = sum((abs(self.strat[c][i]) for c in
if row_sum:
self.strat.iloc[i] /= row_sum
#if it is not one of these q days
#set the days weighting equal to the previous days weighting
self.strat.iloc[i] = self.strat.iloc[i-1]
return self.strat
Example of a backtest for this strat
testTSM = StrategyTimeSeriesMomentum(["HG=F","GC=F","ZC=F", "SI=F", "PA=F","RB=F"])
testTSM.evaluate("2020-07-24","2022-07-24", t=50)
#in summary, this strategy gives equal weighting to all stocks in the portfolio, but longs some and shorts some, depending
#on values in the strat dataframe. These values are then fed back to the evaluate method where they are combined with the
#data dataframe and the returns and graphs are produced
Relative Momentum
This again, like the Time Momentum and Buy and Hold algorithms uses the Strategies class as a basis. Here we will implement a backtest for the relative momentum strategy. This is a similar strategy to the time series momentum, but instead of going short and long on all stocks, we only go long the the best 'p' performing stocks, and short the worst 'p' performing stocks. So the lookback period is still the previous t days and we still only adjust the portfolio every q days. As usual, across a row in the strat dataframe, the ABSOLUTE values must all add up to 1. Therefore, the weights for the worst stocks are -1/(2p) and for the best p stocks 1/(2p) which if you take the ABSOLUTE values, then they will add to 1.
Install yfinance if not installed to run
#pip install yfinance
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pandas_datareader as pdr
import yfinance as yf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime
Setting up class
class Strategies():
#A class that contains code that strategies later on will inherit from params:
#codes = list of stock short codes
#Every class has to have an init method and they define the class specific features.
#In this case ticker list and two empty dataframes
def __init__(self,codes):
#this defines class spacific values
#so ticker/code list = codes
#creates 2 empty dataframes
self.strat = pd.DataFrame() = pd.DataFrame()
def import_data(self, start_date, end_date):
#this method downloads all data for each backtest from yahoo Finance.
#and removes any nan values
#start_date, end_date = string of dates for backtesting with format y-m-d
#code is another name for ticker
data =, start_date, end_date)
#if only one stock code is entered, data is reformatted so that is it the same format as if multiple stock were entered
if len( == 1:
data.columns = [data.columns,*len(data.columns)]
#returns data, and NAN values are removed
return data.dropna()
def backtest(self, start_date, end_date):
#returns a list with elements of a time series from yfinance as well as an array of values between -1 and 1 that represent the strategy over the given period
#1 represents a long position in one stock, 0 representing a neutral postiion and -1 representing a short position
#sets up dataframes (defined in the init) to contain data in 1, and then all value weights from the strategy for each stock in the other dataframe = self.import_data(start_date, end_date)
#fills the dataframe with zeros
self.strat = pd.DataFrame(data = np.zeros([len(, len(]), columns =, index =
#evaluate method takes a backtest, and evaluates it so calcualte cumulative returns, sharpe and sortino ratios
def evaluate(self, start_date, end_date, fig_strat=True, fig_other=False, percentage_risk_free_rate = 0.1, **kwargs):
#returns a dataframe with columns including the daily returns of the portfolio, the cumulative returns, the sharpe ratio and all relevent plot of both the stock price of each stock
#fig = boolean variable that can be used to produce figures
#ris_free_rate = average rate of return from a save government issued bond used to calcualte sharpe ratio with
#**kwargs = any specific keyword arguments that can be passed to the backtesting function to allow for comparison of the backtest for different possible parameters defined in the subclass
#run the backtest function and define the stock price data to be once again and signals self.strat
self.strat = self.backtest(start_date, end_date, **kwargs)
#convert the monthly risk free rate to the daily risk free rate for use when calculating sharpe and sortino ratios
#e.g. (1+1/100)**(1/21)-1 = (1.01**(0.05)) - 1 = 0.00047 (look up EAR formula)
#the value of 21 is due to there being 20 trading days in a month
daily_rate = (1 + percentage_risk_free_rate/100)**(1/21) - 1
#sets up new DataFrame which will give the returns of the portfolio
return_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["daily returns", "cumulative returns"], index =
#set return on day 0 to 0
return_df["daily returns"][0] = 0
#loops through remaining dates and calculates returns across the portfolio
for i in range(1, len(
#for each stock, this is 100*value weighting from strategy the previous day*(closing price on current day X - closing price on day X-1)/(closing price on day X-1)
#hence why if your value weighting is 1 (long position), and the stock goes up, your daily return is posiitve
#if your weighting is -1 (short position), and the stock goes down, then your daily return is positive
#this is then summed for the multiple stocks in the portfolio and the portfolio daily returns are given
return_df["daily returns"][i] = sum(100*self.strat[c][i-1]*(["Adj Close"][c][i]["Adj Close"][c][i-1])/["Adj Close"][c][i-1] for c in
#calculates the cumulative return for each date
#it does this by taking the daily return percentage, dividing my 100 and adding 1 to get it into a increase/decrease
#e.g. daily return of 7% goes >> (7/100)+1 = 1.07 This happens for all the values in the dataframe
#then the cumprod returns the cumulative product of a dataframe (NOT SUM) e.g. 1.07*0.96*1.02 not 1.07+0.96+1.02
#this results is then -1 and multiplied by 100... e.g. (1.12-1)*100 = 12%
return_df["cumulative returns"] = (((return_df["daily returns"]/100)+1).cumprod()-1)*100
#For each of the strategies we went through in the notebook they all require a calculations involving a certain
#number of historic values. e.g previous percentage returns. As a result our strategies can't start straight away
#as we need to wait until we have enough previous pieces of data for the code to work and produce signals.
#calculates the length of time for which the strategy is inactive to begin with
zero_count = 0
#While True will run forever until a break command is run.
while True:
if sum(abs(self.strat[c].iloc[zero_count]) for c in
#by using iloc[zero_count] when zero_count is 0 it looks at first row, in this is zero then zero_count = 1
#and then it becomes iloc[1] which searches the second row in the strat dataframe
#and so on....
zero_count += 1
#python syntax allows for the simplification of
#if not sum(abs(self.strat[c].iloc[zero_count]) for c in == 0:
#if sum(abs(self.strat[c].iloc[zero_count]) for c in
#^^^^ this basically says that if the rows equals zero, then carry on but if it doesnt equal zero then break
#so if it is zero 5 times, it bypasses the break and adds to the zero_count, but then the first nonzero value
#breaks the loop and the while becomes false, and the 5 is stored in zero_count
#calculates the sharpe ratio, not including the first period of inactivity
#Sharpe ratio is the sum of the differences in daily returns of the strategy and the risk-free rate
#over a given period is divivded by the standard devisation of all daily returns.
#( all return percentages summed/100 - (risk free rate * number of days) ) / standard devisation of all daily returns
#e.g. ((1.02+0.95+1.06+1.03)/100 - 4*0.0005) / 0.03 = 1.29
sharpe = ((return_df["daily returns"][zero_count:].sum()/100 - len(return_df[zero_count:]) * daily_rate) / return_df["daily returns"][zero_count:].std())
print('Sharpe: ', sharpe)
#Sortino ratio is similar, however we divide by the standard deviation of only the negative or downwards
#returns (inferring that we only care about negative volatility)
#This doesnt include the zero_count index in denominator, as there are no negative downturns anyway when there are 0 values, so these are filtered out
sortino = ((return_df["daily returns"][zero_count:].sum()/100 - len(return_df[zero_count:]) * daily_rate) / return_df["daily returns"][(return_df["daily returns"] < 0)].std())
print('Sortino: ', sortino)
#plots figures if fig_strat = TRUE
if fig_strat:
#plot of strategy returns
plt.title("Strategy Backtest from" + start_date + " to " + end_date)
plt.plot(return_df["cumulative returns"])
#plots figure if fig_other = TRUE
if fig_other:
#plot of all inidividual stocks
for c in
plt.title("Buy and Hold from" + start_date + " to " + end_date + " for " + str(c))
plt.plot(((["Adj Close"][c].pct_change()+1).cumprod()-1)*100)
print('Returns: ', return_df)
return [return_df, sharpe, sortino]
Class specifically for Time Series Momentum Strat
class StrategyRelativeMomentum(Strategies):
#p = half the number of stock a position is taken in
#t = lookback period lenth for calculating momentum of each stock
#q = time length between portfolio adjustments
def backtest(self, start_date, end_date, p=2, q=15, t=50):
#import all code from the parent class
Strategies.backtest(self, start_date, end_date)
#loop through each time step to calculate the signals
for i in range(t, len(
if (i-t) % q == 0:
#this is similar to the time series momentum Pandas Series,
#for each time step define a variable signals that is a pd Series with
#index of stock codes, data equal to the percentage returns over the previous
#t time steps.
#however here, we also use sort_values to sort into descending order
signals = pd.Series(data = (100*(["Adj Close"][c][i-1]["Adj Close"][c][i-t])/["Adj Close"][c][i-t] for c in, index =
#The following code also normalises the values so they sum to 1:
#select the p codes with a long position (looking at the end of the sorted Series)
for c in signals[-p:].keys():
self.strat[c][i] = 1/(2*p)
#select p codes with short position by looking at start of Series
for c in signals[:p].keys():
self.strat[c][i] = -1/(2*p)
self.strat.iloc[i] = self.strat.iloc[i-1]
return self.strat
Example of a backtest for this strat
testRM = StrategyRelativeMomentum(["HG=F","GC=F","ZC=F", "SI=F", "PA=F","RB=F"])
testRM.evaluate("2020-07-25","2022-07-25", t=50)